Our Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals makes no warranty implied or expressed to the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any information provided in the sites shown below. These links are provided for informational purposes only.
ASSP Links
Region VIII Chapters
- Central New York
- Central Pennsylvania
- Connecticut Valley
- Eastern New York
- Genesee Valley
- Granite State
- Greater Boston
- Hudson River Valley
- Lehigh Valley
- Long Island
- Maine
- New Jersey
- Niagara Frontier
- Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter
- Northwestern Pennsylvania Chapter
- Penn-Jersey
- Philadelphia
- Western Pennsylvania
Safety, Health & Environmental Links
- Asbestos
- Allied Building Metal Industries
- American Cancer Society
- American Childhood Cancer Organization
- American Red Cross
- Association for a Better New York
- Association of Contracting Plumbers of the City of New York
- Association of Master Painters & Decorators of New York
- Bad Human Factors Design – Ergonomics
- Building Contractors Association
- Cement League
- City of New York Website
- Construction Skills, Inc.
- Contractors’ Association of Greater New York
- Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA
- Home Hazards Resources
- Mechanical Contractors Associations of New York
- Mid-Atlantic Biological Safety Association
- National Safety Council
- National Weather Service
- National Weather Service – Hazardous Weather Outlook, NYC Area
- New Jersey Department of Health – Right-to-Know Fact Sheets
- New Jersey Chapter – AIHA
- New York Insulation Constractors Association
- Non-Traditional Employment for Women
- NYC Department of Buildings
- NYC Fire Department
- NYC Housing Authority
- NYC Office of Emergency Management – OEM
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration – OSHA
- Occupational Safety & Health Net
- OSHA Severe Violator Enforcement Program
- Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
- Ready.gov
- Real Estate Board of New York
- RIT’s Outreach and Training OSHA Education Center
- Safety Executives of New York
- Sheet Metal Contractors Association
- Subcontractors Trade Association
- US Army Corp of Engineers
- US Department of Energy
- US Department of the Interior
- US Department of Justice
- Vermont Safety Information Resources
- Wall-Ceiling & Carpentry Industries of New York