February 21, 2019
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Topic: P.A.L.M.S.- PCB’s, Asbestos, Lead, Mold/ Metals, Silica
PALMS – PCBs, Asbestos, Lead, Mold/ Metals and Silica are present in our environment and often require remediation of hazards by a licensed worker to employ proper remediation techniques. This presentation will overview current regulatory and compliance requirements. See NYC ASSP Chapter Website for further details (NYC.ASSP.ORG).
Mark Drozdov, MS, BSI, SSM, CFSM, RSO, CAI, CMA, GPRO with an extensive experience in the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) has effectively completed diverse range of projects for HazMat Testing, Remediation Engineering, Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Risk, Hazards Assessment, Compliance/Training and Certification Audits. He’s been on the industry’s leading edge of BEST-PRACTICE programs development, implementation and management for over 25 years. Mark heads the OSHA+AIHA Alliance on PALMS* Guideline/Best Practice – Significant Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Issues and compiled the Common Contaminants of Concern – Regulatory Levels in the PALMS* of your Hands.
Venue: JRM Construction Management